Below are links to a variety of school readiness resources:
Free activity ideas for various books (printable)
Hands on Educational Toddler Activity Ideas
Breakfast Invitations: Independent Activities for Toddlers and Kids
Candyland Sight Word Game (printable)
Fine Motor Alphabet Mats (printable)
Crayola Product Stain Removal Guide
Interactive Play Online:
PBS Kids
ABC Mouse
National Geographic
Fun Brain
Outdoor Play Ideas/Activities in southwest Minnesota:
Born Learning Trails located in Marshall (bi-lingual), Cottonwood, Granite Falls, Fulda, Currie, Lake Wilson, Hendricks, Balaton and Walnut Grove.
For Parents:
An excellent website to see what skills your child needs to work on: www.helpmegrow.org
Provides free tools and resources to families to assist them in making informed choices regarding high-quality care and education opportunities: www.parentaware.org
Includes literacy apps, A-Z reading topics, tools to help struggling readers, and more: http://www.readingrockets.org/audience/parents