My wife Shana and I have been married for 31 years this coming August and have been in Marshall since 1994 and raised two amazing kids, Sadie Schaeffer (Nolan) and Simon Zahrbock (Morgan), both happily married and each with 2 dogs. Shana and I moved to Marshall out of college and both went to work for Schwan’s/Lyon Financial for many years. Shana became the ACMC clinic Site manager in 2002 and did that up until a few years ago, and she still works for them today as a Recruiter. I stayed with Schwan’s/Lyon Financial but got a new parent (US Bank) in 2001, so was in Equipment finance for 20+ years. In 2020, I had an opportunity to oversee the Western Equipment Finance Marshall office and have been here for just over 4 years.
Western Equipment Finance finances Ag, Construction, Lawn and Tree, and much more…