Matt Suby Letter to the Editor

Strengthen Our Community: Support the United Way of Southwest Minnesota

To the Editor,
As we enter the Season of Giving, I ask you to “Raise Your Hand” and consider giving to the United Way of Southwest Minnesota (UWSWMN), which serves as a pillar of support for our friends, neighbors, and loved ones, to provide meaningful assistance to those who need it most.
Our community faces diverse challenges, from ensuring access to a quality education to supporting families in need of financial stability.  The UWSWMN is committed to finding solutions to these challenges and lifting up those in our community who need support.  But what does that look like?
The United Way of Southwest Minnesota:
•    Provides school supplies for thousands of area students through the Stuff The Bus program
•    Partners with local non-profits to deliver hot meals to the elderly
•    Works with survivors of domestic violence to provide assistance to shelter, employment and safety through partnerships with area non-profits
•    Gives funds to schools for emergency uses for students, such as students needing glasses, shoes or other necessities to learn
•    Supports literacy by providing books to children through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Your generosity can make an incredible difference. By contributing to the UWSWMN, you’re directly investing in programs that enhance health services, empower individuals through education, provide critical financial resources, combat hunger and promote safety and well-being for all.
The beauty of giving to the United Way of Southwest Minnesota lies in its ability to create a ripple effect. Your donation isn’t just a one-time gift; it’s a catalyst for sustained change. It’s an investment in the future of our community, ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to thrive.
Moreover, the United Way of Southwest Minnesota operates with transparency and efficiency, ensuring that your contributions are utilized effectively to maximize their impact. Every dollar you give directly translates into meaningful support for those who need it most.
Let’s come together and raise our hand as a community to support and enhance the mission of the United Way of Southwest Minnesota.  Whether it’s a financial contribution, or volunteering your time, we can build a stronger, more resilient community where everyone has the chance to lead a fulfilling life.
Matt Suby
United Way of Southwest Minnesota Board of Directors
2023 Giving Campaign Chair